Press Release
May 8, 2021
Venaria Reale (Turin) - TUC s.r.l announced today, on the third anniversary of its foundation, the creation of its first headquarter in Venaria Reale.
The new TUC.hub of almost 1000 square meters will be ready June 2021.
The regular parallelepiped-shaped building is the expression of the Italian functionalist style of the early 1900s, it is characterized by a roof made with large glazed openings, specially designed to illuminate the spaces with natural light. This solution allows us to have an extremely natural working environment by minimizing exposure to artificial light.
The headquarter includes a technological laboratory, research and development facilities, a large office area, a "quiet" space where you can be inspired and a conference room with a maximum capacity of almost 300 people.

"From the very beginning, I have always believed in the creation of the TUC.hub, a place where technology, art and innovation are made to forge the future by creating technologies and products that can improve people lives", said Ludovico Campana, Co-Founder, Administrator and Inventor of "We are facing an historical turning point, a dream that becomes reality and we are excited to welcome our collaborators and our customers in this amazing new place".
"This building represents an important step for us in the development of our industrial plan" said Sergio Pininfarina, Co-Founder, Administrator and Business Director of TUC. "We strongly believe that the achievement of our goals will be greatly accelerated by TUC.hub".
The internal architecture of the TUC.hub has been designed by Ludovico Campana Design Studio following the philosophy of solids and voids, the work areas are coherently arranged with the logic and structure of the building.MORE RELEASES SOON.FOLLOW US ONFacebook - Instagram - Twitter - Linkedin
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