TUC S.r.l. reveals at Dubai’s GITEX the world premiere of TUC.nest
Oct 9, 2022
TUC S.r.l. reveals at Dubai’s GITEX the world premiere of TUC.nest, the “Kit for Mobility Space Development” of TUC.technology®
Torino – TUC S.r.l., the start-up known for its "USB of mobility" solution TUC.technology, is presenting itself at GITEX Global, in the Etisalat pavillon, which will take place in Dubai from 10 to 14 October, in a new sophisticated guise to make possible its vision on the future of mobility.
A "mobile bubble" characterized by a complex reticular structure and that prefigures the stylistic features of the cabin of a vehicle for the mobility of tomorrow, infinitely customizable in space and time, with the individual at the center. A concept inspired by the primordial idea of TUC.
TUC.nest with its iconic structure is the symbol of the new mobility, strongly interconnected and with the most specific needs of the user at the center. It recreates the hubs of a network that virtually and truly links, through TUC.technology, all the players of the mobility of the future. A structure through which a series of triangular surfaces take shape as the symbol of the 3 "pillars" of TUC.technology, Mechanics, Electronics and Connectivity, which for the first time are systematized and synthesized in a single universal plug & play connector for all vehicles.

TUC.nest was created to be the new "Kit for Mobility Space Development" by TUC.technology. A "kit" that TUC will make available to all its current and future partners for the co-development of solutions that through TUC.technology will best respond to the challenges ahead for all mobility actors.
TUC.nest is a modular canvas synthesizing all possible combinations of spaces and proportions to define the vehicles of the future, it will be available both virtually and physically to allow all customers and partners to integrate and develop TUC.technology on their vehicles.
TUC will be present at GITEX Global in Dubai, as the main guest in the Etisalat stand, one of the main Tech players worldwide. TUC will be present in the stand together with all the solutions of the TUC.developers ecosystem that aims to demonstrate the future of the on-board user experience with plug&play components developed by prestigious companies and presented in the TUC world premiere of 2020.
The result of these prestigious partnerships for the development of TUC.technology applications with some of the main players in mobility, reaffirm the feasibility, concreteness and its strategic use in industry.

"TUC.nest represents a new and important chapter in the history of TUC.", says Ludovico Campana Co-founder, CEO and inventor of TUC. "It synthetizes all the experiences made in recent years, starting from the vision that led to the birth of TUC, and summarizes them in a real development eco-system available to all partners. The perfect combination between container and content, between vision, mission and solution. A real development kit for all mobility stakeholders to create vehicles powered by TUC with which we will develop the future applications of our unique and innovative technology to accelerate the turning point towards the new mobility."

TUC.technology enable modularity & cost eduction in the interiors of transportation means through “the mobility USB”, a world wide patented HW/SW proprietary systems.
TUC.technology is the basis on which will be possible to build the vehicles of the future, it shifts the concept of the vehicle from defined to definable, completely reformulating what users can do on board. TUC transforms the use and meaning of the vehicle: from a pure mobility tool to a space to be inhabited and configured according to the needs of each user. The technology patented by TUC allows, in fact, to customize the vehicle by integrating "devices" of various kinds and making the mobility experience tailored to each user.
All thanks to the universal, modular and Plug&play TUC plug® connector and the network system managed by TUC.brain® and TUC.OS®.
TUC plug® is a digital/structural connector that can be integrated both in the concept design phase and on platforms already developed in the main means of transport. A highly technological plug, where, thanks to the development of a unique fastening method, with a single gesture, it is possible to anchor power and connect to the data flow any internal component of the vehicle: seats, dashboards, displays or devices made ad hoc.
TUC.technology combines, in an integrated hardware and software system, different technologies: the "TUC.plug®" connector (the USB of mobility), the super computer connected to the cloud "TUC.brain®" (the thinking brain of the system) and the power and data connection network that creates a highly digitized and connected network system "TUC.network®". Thanks to the development of a pioneering proprietary software "TUC.OS®", TUC has created a universal communication language and standard for the management of the components constituting the internal experience of the vehicle.
But TUC's news at GITEX Global represent only the beginning of the strategic development plan set by TUC s.r.l for the coming months and made even faster thanks to TUC.nest.
"Stay tuned" for the next disruptive update.

ABOUT TUCS.r.lTUC S.r.l is a Deep Tech company founded by Ludovico Campana (Co-founder, Inventor & CEO) and Sergio Pininfarina (Co-founder & President).TUC S.r.l is a pioneer in the development of technologies related to modularity in vehicles, then only four years of activity has managed to conquer industry and media with the international patent of industrial invention TUC.TUC S.r.l was founded with the aim of revolutionizing, improving and re-inventing the concept of vehicle for the new company following the guiding values of simplicity and progress.TUC S.r.l is an Italian technological excellence that was exhibited at CES in Las Vegas in the Italian pavilion at the invitation of the Ministry of Economic Development, was selected by Wired as a startup to be kept under control and recognized as one of the best 10 best Italian startups that innovate mobility, finally, the TUC 1.0 and 2.0 prototype were exhibitedon at the National Automobile Museum of Turin as a symbol of the redefinition of the vehicle.
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